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Logo: Dr. Amanda, OTR Integrative Occupational Therapist

Dr. Amanda is an enthusiastic advocate for health science and equity. Her unique perspective, which focuses on Occupational Science (OS) and Occupational Therapy (OT), makes her work stand out. She has a diverse range of responsibilities that showcase her commitment to servant leadership including the Roster of Accreditation Evaluators for the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE®), the USC Chan Division's Admissions Team, the USC Chan Diversity, Access, and Equity (DAE) Committee. Dr. Speights is passionate about her field and committed to her responsibilities, making her an invaluable member of the academic and professional communities.

Doc Chat Episode 18 artwork
OT School House Podcast Episode 58 Occupational Therapy in Preschool
Moxie OT Podcast. Culturally-informed interventions to support Autistic student participation during virtual instruction.
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©2023 Dr. Amanda, OTR

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